Real-Time Forecasting
Accurately forecast data in real time. Make downstream planning decisions based on your predictions
Real-time forecasting API
Easy initial setup to get you started quickly and effortlessly
Completely autonomous - no data hassles or retraining headaches
We use generative modeling (GANs) to augment your dataset with synthetic data. This unique approach allows us to make accurate predictions in real time, even when you have little historical data.
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For enterprises

  • Visualize Raw Data 
Real-Time Forecasting
Forecast electricity, compute, energy, or any other resource in real time and adjust to the changing predictions. Our real time next-point forecasts are extremely accurate and help with auto-scaling compute or making changes to energy grids.
Handle Small Datasets
Our AI service automatically augments your data with synthetic data. This means we can make accurate forecasts, even if you have little historic data.
Completely autonomous
You don't need to perform cumbersome data munging and ML engineering to use our forecasting service. It works in a completely autonomous fashion and can handle data pipelines, training, retraining, and model deployment. The service will auto-scale up or down based on traffic load.
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